Thursday, May 19, 2016

Fatwa on ismail delvhi, fatwa on tableeghi jamat

*Fatwa on Ismail Dehlvi*

Response from the scholars of Ahle Sunnah when Ismail Dehlvi wrote Taqwiyatul Iman.

Muhammad Isma’il  was a classmate of Mawlana Munawwar uddin. After the passing of Shah Abdul Aziz رحمت الله عليه, when he wrote Taqwiyatul Iman and Jilaul Ainayn, maulana munnawaruddin tried to convince him but he didn’t listen to him. Then a debate was organized in Jamia masjid of Delhi. In the debate Ismail Dehlvi and his son in law abdul hay defended the wahabi doctrine and maulana munnawar Uddin رحمت الله عليه  with maulana fazl e haqq khairabadi رحمت الله عليه  (also a student of abdul aziz dehlvi) refuted his newly formed creed. Ismail dehlvi lost the debate badly and maulana fazle haqq wrote Tahqeeq al-Fatwa fi Ibtal al-Taghwa refuting all the corrupt beliefs of Ismail dehlvi and also issued a fatwa of kufr on him and his book taqwiyatul iman. The 17 leading scholars of ahle Sunnah of that time signed and supported the fatwa.

*Here are the scans of fatwa against ismail dehlvi (Tableeghi Jamat)*


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